May 1981
Graduated Rhema
Jack Shanley graduated Rhema Bible Training College, knowing that he would let God lead his path forward and share His word.
Jun 2013
Dream Team United
Jack and Pat remarried after being apart for 20 years. Each step of the way God led them both down this path to speak His word and help people.
Nov 2019
Started DHM
Purchased the current property of DHM and opened the church.
May 2024
After Waylon Moorefield was ordained by Pastor Jack, he took his next step opening the first branch off of DHM starting Daily Harvest Ministries Of Three Rivers.
As a child, Jack Shanley grew up at Sunshine Acres Children’s Home in Mesa, Arizona, where his parents served as dorm parents. Little did he know, God was orchestrating a plan that would unfold over the years. Jack’s unique upbringing taught him valuable lessons in collaboration and teamwork, skills that would later benefit his ministry.
In 1981, Jack graduated from Rhema Bible Training College, further preparing him for God’s calling. Though he didn’t know what lay ahead, each step of his journey was divinely orchestrated. Jack married Patricia Elmore in 1988, but their young marriage faced challenges, ultimately leading to divorce in 1993.
During this difficult period, Jack struggled with his faith and happiness. However, God’s plan remained unchanged. Nearly 20 years later, Jack and Patricia reunited in 2012 and remarried in 2013.
As an assistant pastor for many years, Jack felt the Lord’s leading to establish his own church. During a trip to Michigan, he clearly heard the name “Daily Harvest.” This marked the beginning of Daily Harvest Ministries, which launched in 2019.
Pastor Jack’s vision for Daily Harvest is to see people set free through Scripture, saved, and delivered from their past and addictions. He believes that true healing comes from God through Jesus, quoting Matthew 9:12, “…the healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick.”
Guided by biblical principles and a passion for sharing God’s love, Pastor Jack Shanley continues to serve as the leader of Daily Harvest Ministries, fulfilling the Lord’s calling to send workers into the harvest field (Luke 10:2).